Legal notice
Distributer:Asobiba LLC.
Address:Horiobiru 2-16Minami2-johigashi Chuo-ku,Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 060-0052 Japan
Phone Number:(+81)7024008892
Sales Price:Please refer to each product page.
Necessary charges other than the product price:Shipping Fee, Customs duties(Please ask your country.)
Payment method and timing of payment:Credit card / PayPal: Payment is confirmed when you order the item.
Delivery time of goods:We will ship the item within 3~5 business days after confirming your order. (Usually, it takes about 3 business days to ship the item. If the shipment of the item is delayed due to unseasonable weather, the convenience of the delivery company, or any other reason, we will notify you by email.)
Product delivery method:FedEx / DHL / Yamato / Japan Post with tracking number.
About returns, defective products, and cancellations:Returns and exchanges are possible only within 30 days after the item arrives.Customers are responsible for shipping costs.
Return deadline:30 Days